Should You Tan Before or After Your Workout?

Get the perfect tan this summer, with these handy tips and tricks.
Should You Tan Before or After Your Workout?

We know that many of you Bali Body babes spend hours in the gym to get that perfect bikini body. If you love working out as much as you love tanning, you should also know the best time for each. So the question is should you tan before or after a workout?

Before Your Workout

Some babes find it more comfortable to tan themselves before a workout as it warms up their muscles and readies them for a good sweat.

One of the downsides, however, is that it can actually make you feel tired and less motivated to work out. Heat often has a relaxing effect, which may leave nothing in the tank.

If you use tanning oil and other products, you may also want to rinse off before a workout, as it can be uncomfortable sweating off oil when using gym equipment.

After Your Workout

Tanning after a workout is preferable; the heat from the sun or tanning bed will help you relax and feel more at ease. It is similar to how a sauna helps you unwind after a good workout. Just make sure that you keep yourself hydrated and that you cool off enough before you catch those rays.

Some say that tanning after exercise gives a more even tan, because of increased blood circulation and open pores, which helps absorb more UV rays.

To keep your skin soft and hydrated while tanning after a workout, use our golden tanning oil for a deep, bronzed glow.

Alternatively, you can also achieve that golden glow by exercising outdoors. If you love running, biking, swimming or outdoor yoga, you can achieve a great tan whilst exercising.

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