Kiss Away Dry Lips for Good with Bali Body’s Coconut Lip Balm

Kiss Away Dry Lips for Good with Bali Body’s Coconut Lip Balm

Our lips are delicate and need a little extra care, keep them soft, plump and protected with these simple BB tips:

Drink Up

Staying hydrated is the key to lush & soft lips. Drinking the recommended eight glasses of water a day will hydrate your lips from the inside out. Leaving you with a smooth & moisturised pout no matter the season.

Snack on Fruits

Citrus fruits are the go-to when snacking. The antioxidant properties and vitamin C in the fruits’ will renew and give life to your lips. Giving a quick boost of hydration and even lightening dark lips.   

Get your sugar fix

Sugar lip scrubs do wonders in keeping your lips, smooth, soft and supple. For our DIY babes make your own scrub at home with olive oil and brown sugar. Scrub once a week to leave your lips looking and tasting sweet year-round.

Say goodbye to licking your lips

Though licking your lips gives a temporary relief, it actually dries out your lips even more. When lips are feeling dry and chapped reach for a lip balm instead - BB Coconut Lip Balm is the perfect quick fix.

Keep Them Moisturised with Natural Products

Using lip balms, keeps your skin moisturised and relieves chapped lips. For plump and protected pout Bali Body’s Coconut Lip Balm SPF15 has your back. Our tropics in a tube contains coconut oil, cocoa butter and jojoba oil. The coconut oil rejuvenates the lips’ skin, giving a beautiful glow. The cocoa butter moisturises the skin and protects it from the elements, while the jojoba oil soothes and keeps the skin looking young. To use apply daily in and out of the sun and reapply throughout the day if needed. Whether you are on vacay or going through your daily routine kiss away cracked and dry lips for good, and pucker up for plump and totally kissable pout with Bali Body’s Coconut Lip Balm.

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